As I'm working on crossing a few more things off my Austrian to do list, spending more time exploring the lakes and mountains around here has continually been near the top. Yes, I've driven through there on several occasions, returning to Vienna from skiing and things, and I've been on the Sound of Music tour enough times to have been around that area, but this has never been the sole purpose of a trip. I was hoping to get in one more good day trip while this is still just a day trip away so last Saturday my friend Jon and I rented a car and headed off towards Hallstatt. Despite being on all sorts of postcards and promotional bits about Austria, neither of us had ever actually been there.
The drive to Hallstatt takes about 3 hours from Vienna, and just gets more and more breathtakingly gorgeous.
Thankfully there are little turnout places on the side of the road where you can pull off and try your best to capture the scenery. And try we did.
In Hallstatt the parking places are on the far edge of town and then you can walk back along the lake towards the center of the village. On a gorgeous day like this it gives you ample opportunity to just enjoy the clear water and the mirrored effect of the mountains. And of course take lots more photos.
The town of Hallstatt from this side, it somehow looks farther away than it really is. I'm pretty sure it was only about a 10 minute walk to that church steeple.
We then climbed up the steps to another church on the side of the hill to be able to look down over the snow covered buildings.
While there were a few tourists milling around, it is definitely the off-season around here. Even on a Saturday afternoon, most restaurants and things were closed, so after a couple hours of wandering around and enjoying the scenery we decided to get back in the car and change locations.
Next stop: Traunkirchen, which is about 40 minutes back towards Vienna from Hallstatt
The final bits of sunlight hitting the mountains. At this point there were basically no other people around, which allows you to just stop and enjoy listening to the lake washing up against the rocky shore.
One final stop in Gmunden at the other end of the Traunsee. This is a bigger town so there were quite a few more things open and people around, a nice stop for dinner before heading back to Vienna.
As I've said before, so much of Austria looks like you're living inside a beautiful painting. The way these mountains all just seem to drop off into these gorgeous lakes, dotted by these picturesque villages is something I will never get tired of seeing. This was definitely one of those trips I wish everyone I know could take. Perhaps not all at the same time, so that we don't overrun the place, but if you're ever around here and have the opportunity to go exploring, absolutely do.