Tuesday, February 28, 2012

We're here!

Nothing like a little extra excitement before I left, I got a call from my bank fraud protection Sunday morning telling me that someone had cloned my debit card and attempted to use it in Florida.  Which means that my debit card has been frozen, and I don't have access to that account while they replace everything.  Quick way to make a customer service person confused...tell them that you're leaving the country that afternoon and won't be back in the country until at least this summer.  No ma'am, I can't go into a bank branch on Monday and get this straightened out...

Anyway. We successfully made it to the airport, I was a little freaked out because United wouldn't let me check in online since I don't have a return ticket booked.  Thankfully the woman at the counter at the airport said no problem, and I think the look of panic on my face when one bag was 2 pounds over freaked her out a bit (and she's apparently super nice), so she didn't charge me any overage fees...whew.

Our flights weren't bad at all, and they had awesome movie choices, so while I might have missed the Oscars, I did watch The Artist and The Descendants on the plane :)

We got into Vienna about 10:30am, but couldn't get into our hotel rooms until 2pm, so we dropped our bags off and set off exploring although we were all crazy tired.  After wandering a bit, we stopped and got some lunch which was so so tasty.

picture by Lexi...spinach dumplings with gorgonzola sauce and coffee

We did take a quick nap, and then got back up for dinner (different place, again amazing) and then took a walk down to the Rathaus to see the giant skating rink they have set up down there now which seems to just go on forever. 

Now we're off to the bank to set up my account and then get a cell phone and all that fun stuff!

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