Saturday, November 10, 2012

Wine Society: Kattus

This semester I decided to join the wine society at school, in order to learn even more about wine while living in this wonderful grape growing and wine producing city.  Our first excursion was on Halloween, which added perhaps a bit of mystery to wandering around in cavernous wine cellars.  I feel like I should put a disclaimer on this one though, this excursion came directly after a long day trip to work on a project for school, so by this point in the evening my brain was getting a little fried from trying to not only process new information, but process that information in German.  So...on this first outing to Kattus to see how they make their sparkling wines, while I did learn some, I was also mostly taking in the cool and unusual architecture.  

This is actually across the street from my regular grocery store, but I'd never really paid attention to it sitting there behind its gates.

very cool event spaces down there as well

This is part of the wine making process, the bottles are turned this way so the yeast will settle at the neck of the bottle and can be easily removed.  They do also have big shiny holders that can hold many more bottles, and rotate them automatically, but some are still done this way by hand.  We did also get to see the sets of machines that actually bottle and cork and label the wines, but sadly none of those pictures came out very well.  I'll try again on our next excursion!

Giant containers of wine.

This is the entrance room upstairs, and where we got to taste some of their products.

Some lovely sparkling wine at the end of this long day.

Our wine society is actually going on our November excursion next week, to Klosterneuburg, which I am really excited about.  It's basically just over the other side of Kahlenberg, so I've seen bits of it from above, but have never actually gone down over there.  

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