Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Not Exactly Spring Yet

Easter has now come and gone and it still looks a bit like December outside, although thankfully we now have much longer daylight than we did back in mid-winter, a bit bizarre though for it to still be light outside at 7:30pm while it snows.  I do realize that warm weather will come eventually, but since our first snow was in late October (on my birthday actually) now that we've flipped our calendars to April and I'm still watching the snow fall outside my window as I'm writing this, it seems like we're stuck in some sort of weather trap.  

Anyway, the Easter markets once again were set up, and despite the weather people went out and shopped for meticulously painted eggs and little craft and food items, and instead of it being time for glasses of wine and chilled punch, it was still very much glühwein weather, and people seemed ok with that.

No flowers yet, but still a lovely afternoon at Schonbrunn

I did take another quick evening trip out to Klosterneuburg with some friends for a lovely little concert that another friend was playing in, such an easy trip over there that I definitely need to do more often. 

This is one of the few times of the year that the Rathausplatz is totally bare, no more Christmas market, the  skating rink has been taken down, and we're not quite ready for all the warmer weather activities yet...

On Palm Sunday my church had a visiting high school choir from New Jersey sing much of the service.  We have several of these little choir loft windows around the second level, so they spread out among them...definitely a lot of choir music flashbacks.

And then it started snowing again...and hasn't really stopped for the past week or so. 

There is a noticeable influx of various iterations of these "Vienna" hats around town.  Sadly I'm not sure this is what tourists had in mind when they thought of a nice Easter break trip to Vienna.

Lots of snow covered outdoor eating areas...a bit too early still I suppose...

Beautifully painted eggs covered in snow...I think it's weird they don't attempt to cover them at all...but people were dusting them off and buying them.  A few with less permanent paint on them were looking a little sad...

Easter Sunday! We had the kids decorate this greenery cross, super adorable.

And Easter Brunch! My friend Lidija kindly hosted a few of us at her apartment for brunch, so we had plenty of warm food while we watched the snow all day from inside.  She and I spent much of Saturday cooking and preparing things which was really fun; I'm always up for any time I get to use a proper kitchen to cook in! 

Now I'm back in full school mode, although April and May are jam packed with lots of fun things...including a good friend coming into town and a whirlwind trip to the all sorts of more normal things here...and hopefully being able to enjoy being outside without being quite so bundled up! 

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