Sunday, September 15, 2013

Time to Start Officially Celebrating These Grapes!

Despite a forecast that called for rain and thunderstorms all weekend, I woke up yesterday to moderately clear skies.  So after running a few quick errands I decided to head out to the 51st Annual Fête des vendanges de Russin (grape harvesting festival).

Russin is actually a part of Geneva, sort of southwest of the city center, closer to the mountains than to the lake, but does require a quick trip on the regional train.  Thankfully I work with a native Genevois who is up on all these sorts of festivals and activities and makes sure that I am also well informed.

From the train it's a bit of a hike up into town

The stars of the show.

Vineyards and mountains! Yes please

Russin is a pretty adorable little town Festival or not, just a couple little streets on the top of this hill with vineyards and mountains all around

I was a little on the earlier side I suppose, while it was early afternoon at this point, the official end last night was 3am, so I imagine there's a bit of a later crowd as well.  I was trying to beat the afternoon thunderstorms, so I was not sad to trade the party for the views.

There were all sorts of stands and things set up in what appeared to be people's backyards.  Families who own these vineyards had set up all sorts of little tents and outdoor ovens serving fresh bread and tarts made from the fresh seasonal produce.

I opted for a slice of fresh apple tart, insanely delicious, and sitting to enjoy the view a while didn't hurt either.

I spent quite a while just walking the perimeter of the high part of the hill and looking out.  Watching the storm clouds rolling towards us from the west.

Not a super fan of the creepy clowns...

There were several of these gigantic skillet things.  At this point this is just onions and bacon I think, with a huge stack of cheese wheels behind it.  Only good things can come from this.

Live music in the fondue tent with a view the end of some of the lines of grapes there were pumpkins growing!

I suppose we really are getting close to it being fall.  It's been pretty chilly here recently.  I'm trying to creatively layer my clothes to keep warm enough in basically what I've been wearing all summer.  I think when I was packing in July I did vaguely think about how September might be a little cold, so I threw in a sweater or two, but not really enough.  Yes, there are plenty of stores here where I could buy a few things, but it's hard to find things that I want for this weather that I don't have a close copy or substitute of sitting in my closet in Vienna.  So for this last week I'll just deal.  It is crazy to think that a week from tomorrow morning I'll be headed back to Vienna, so this week is all about getting a nice fill of Geneva to close out this summer.  

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