As I began to think of ways to best mark these two years in Vienna, I went back and read what I wrote after one year, wondering if perhaps my thoughts and feelings about Vienna had somehow changed in the past year, but they haven't. I really could basically copy and paste those thoughts here and it would all still be completely true, but that would be boring. So, as I have mentioned before, the number one most frequently asked question I get asked here when I meet new people is "why are you here??", so on this anniversary of stepping off the plane in Austria and the start of this new adventure, I've compiled a list (with some input from some trusted friends) of my very favorite things about Vienna and Austria as a whole. In no particular order...
The Ringstraße (Architecture)
Vienna is a visually beautiful city, with a myriad of architecture, in some cases spanning thousands of years, but for me, nowhere captures all that is grand about Viennese architecture quite like the Ringstrasse surrounding the first district. Walking around this beautiful street was one of my first favorite activities upon moving here and continues to be something I never get tired of.
Drinking Good Wine
Vienna is surely a wine city. It does help that there are vineyards within the city limits (which we will get to) but it also seems to just fit properly with the attitude and culture of the city as well. The Austrians take their wine quite seriously and it pays off.
Markets and Outdoor Festivals
While this point on the list surely includes Christmas and Easter markets, Austrians seem to find reasons to celebrate all sorts of activities and festivals year-round. This photo is from the courtyard of the Rathaus where all the award winning Viennese wines were assembled for tasting. It amazes me that regardless of the weather if there are tables set up outdoors for such things, people will fill the space, bundled up or huddled under umbrellas if needed, thoroughly enjoying themselves.
This goes along with the Austrian culture/tradition thing as well, but contrary to what I may have thought before moving here, dressing in lederhosen/dirndl is not only for very special occasions or cultural events. Going out with friends to restaurants or parties or really any activity is made that much better by these particular outfits. And no, sadly I haven't yet found just the right dirndl for myself, but I'm getting there.
Après Ski
Austrian apres ski carries with it its own special traditions and activities. There is an entire genre of music (and some accompanying dances) that are specifically for evenings after hitting the slopes. Plus, if you can't make it to the mountains for some reason (or it's July and not exactly ski season), there are clubs in Vienna and elsewhere that primarily play this music and are decorated to give you the feeling of the real thing. Learning these songs/dances early on seems to be the gift that keeps on giving..."how on earth does this American know these things?!"
Heurigen and Vineyards
This goes hand in hand with the good wine thing, but deserves it's own spot for sure. Going to school above the vineyards in Vienna gives me plenty reason to be in them through all seasons, but as we're approaching the warm weather again I cannot wait for long afternoon strolls ending in any number of wonderful Heurigen to have delicious food and fresh wine with friends.
Love of Tradition
Tradition and Austria cannot be separated, as is evidenced by many, many things on this list, but is also one of my favorite things about Austria. From the music to the palaces to the festivals and the food, sometimes it is easy to get the feeling you are somehow also experiencing Vienna during another time.
In keeping with proper tradition, ball season is still definitely alive and well in Vienna. Getting all dressed up and dancing the night away in a palace was definitely a little girl's dream of mine that I never thought still existed, but it surely does.
Coffee and Cakes
Coffee and cakes are definitely synonymous with Vienna, and while I knew that it was definitely a touristy thing to do, I don't think I ever really thought it would be an activity to just do with friends anytime. It took me some time, but I've learned how to drink small amounts of delicious coffee much more slowly, and appreciate coffee that nobody would ever serve you in a 16oz to-go cup.
Austrian Food
I'm not sure before moving here I really had a good grasp on what Austrian food entailed, but I'm always up for trying new things whether traveling or at home. Somehow though over these two years, this food really has captured a special place for me and become something I found myself missing when I was in the States over Christmas. I wasn't sure that would ever happen, and not sure when it did, but I think it has definitely added to Austria feeling more and more like home.
If you took away all the grand architecture and fancy coffee and cakes and all the rest, Austria is such a physically stunning country. I love that on clear days I can see mountains from class, and pretty much anywhere we go on any trips throughout the country involves ridiculously gorgeous panoramic mountain views.
Inter-generational Activities
Unlike anywhere I have lived before, Vienna seems to be filled with inter-generational activities. It is not unusual for us 20 and 30 somethings to be sitting at a table outside somewhere with a couple in their 80s to one side and a family with small children on the other, all talking and having a great time.
"Provincial Towns"
While I do have the pleasure of living in this beautiful capital city, Austria is filled with countless picturesque towns of all shapes and sizes, some of which are on my to-do list to visit as the weather is warming up this spring.
Crossroads of Cultures and Nations
In addition to all the wonderful "typical Austrian" things, I do have the benefit of many cultures and nations all combining here. This is partially an experience due to my circle of friends being truly international, but Vienna's location in Europe as well as being home to one of the UN headquarters also allows for some of this unique mixing of cultures.
Clean Public Transportation
Seriously, don't underestimate how wonderful clean, reliable transportation is to the experience you have in a city. It becomes something you don't really notice until there is one can of something that has been left, or a small sticky spot under your shoe, and I realize just how spoiled I am that this is strictly the exception and never the rule.
Unlimited Time at Restaurants
This was another activity that took a long time to get used to and is now really high on the list of things I love. Nowhere around here will you ever get rushed while eating at a restaurant or sitting to have a coffee. If you're sitting at a table, it's yours until you're ready to leave. This means you can easily sit at a dinner table with friends for 3 or 4 hours without ever being bothered or asked to keep ordering or pay the bill.
And last but certainly not least, the music. From Strauss waltzes to accordion music to apres ski hits and yes even sometimes a little yodeling, music blankets the city constantly. One of my first road trip experiences here I was surprised to find the music mix for the car (provided by an Austrian) to include everything from the top pop songs all the way to the most recent New Year's concert of the Vienna Philharmonic. So fantastic.
That's my list! Of course there are other random things I'm sure I could add, but I think this is a pretty good summation for now. When I first moved here I said I was coming for just over 2 years to complete my degree and that'd be it. I still have no idea what the next year will hold, or where I might be living a year from now, but if I'm lucky enough to still be in Austria I know I will still be enjoying all the things on this list, and will perhaps have come up with a concise answer for the ever popular "why are you here?" question.
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