Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Heidelberg (Weekend Part 1)

This past weekend was a holiday here in Austria (as well as in the States), but here everyone was off for Pfingsten (Pentecost) so my friend Liz and I had planned a trip to Salzburg and Innsbruck for the second half of the long weekend about a month or so ago.  Last week I got an email from my good friend Becky saying that she was coming to Europe for a week (a bit of a spur of the moment thing), and would be in Heidelberg, Germany for the weekend and perhaps I could somehow fit it in my schedule to get up there to see her.  What fun is living in Europe if you don't take full advantage of the train system?!? So I booked a night train ticket for Friday night, so that I could hopefully sleep on the train and be in Heidelberg the same time she got there Saturday morning.

Waiting for the train Friday night in Vienna

My train was slightly delayed getting in to Vienna (it originated in Budapest), so by the time I got on about 12:20am everyone else in my little "couchette" car was asleep.  If you haven't had the pleasure of sleeping in a couchette car on a train, basically picture a closet with 3 shelves on each side (beds) that have little mats on them with blankets and pillows.  Your luggage goes on the sleeping shelf thing with you, or else the other people won't be able to get off their "beds".  Its actually not a terrible way to travel, much more comfortable than flying the red eye or sleeping on any plane really (unless you can afford lay flat seats in first class I suppose...but I've never been that fortunate).  I had to change trains in Munich, so about 20 minutes before the train arrived, they come wake everyone up and toss a juice box and a croissant in a bag at you.   

My train.  Sadly since everyone was asleep when I got on I didn't take a picture of the inside of the car, but I'm not sure you would be able to get any sort of good angle from inside the little compartment anyway.

The train station in Munich 

"breakfast" which was quickly supplemented with proper coffee which thankfully there is no shortage of around here.

I then got on my second train from Munich to Heidelberg, which is just under 3 hours.  Another quick nap and some reading and I was there.  The scenery out the window on all of these trains wasn't too shabby either!  I met Becky and Tyson at the train station, and since both of them have lived in Heidelberg previously, I basically had two personal tour guides to show me around.

Downtown Heidelberg

The Castle! We hiked up there after lunch.


Me and Becky!  It was still so surreal to get to see Becky on such short notice, and so so wonderful!

Looking back at the castle from the bridge across the river.

Climbing up the 300+ stairs to the castle

Looking down at Heidelberg from the top

Tyson, Becky, and Me

After we walked down from the castle we decided it was probably about time for some Eiskaffee...yum.  The video below isn't great, but it's just us walking back down the main street in Heidelberg as the bells of the church are ringing 6pm.  We headed back to the hotel to freshen up a bit before meeting up with some of their friends who live in Heidelberg for dinner.  We had a lovely evening with very good food and great conversation.  

Sunday morning I was up early to catch my train to Salzburg to meet up with Liz! 

And the weekend continues...more to be posted later.

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