Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Autumn in Vienna

One of the things I was very anxious about when moving to Austria was what the autumn would look like.  New York (and New England) in the fall is completely breathtaking, and I'd been spoiled growing up there...needless to say my expectations of fall are pretty high.  So, when moving to Vienna, I lowered those expectations to nearly nothing.  I told myself that the leaves would just turn brown and fall off, and I would just have to find new ways of enjoying this season.  So...I am happy to report that my lower than low expectations have been way exceeded!  I am actually quite impressed with the show of colors around here.  We aren't even completely at the peak everywhere, but will the forecast of snow this weekend, I'm a bit worried we're getting close to the end.  I have however been taking pictures of the foliage both around town and up at school. (sorry for so many pictures...I had a hard time editing them down :))

The Rathaus

even the flower boxes are decked out appropriately

The Ring


even the roses are a nice progression of color!

this building is actually the public swimming pool on the way up to school

outside Modul

the amazing view off the terrace

the morning view of the city...notice the layer of fog...with the church spires and tall buildings just sticking up out of it

Ok, so the previous few pictures are what the normal drive to school looks like...winding up to the top of Kahlenberg...the pictures below were from this morning...the fog was incredible.

This is the parking lot at school...you should be able to see quite a lot past where the fog cuts everything off

still gorgeous colors though...even in the rain and fog

and...thanks to a dear friend from home...my room now smells like fall!  this is my absolute favorite fall smell, and I got a lovely care package with this candle in it and I am now well prepared until it is time to switch over to holiday things!

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