Monday, October 15, 2012

Getting to Know You...

One of the things I always loved about back to school time is getting to catch up with old friends you may not have seen all summer, while being introduced to new friends.  Thankfully, the same still holds true now that I'm in grad school.  We've started a little tradition of these "get to know you" evenings at a wine bar downtown, which is a great place to enjoy good Austrian wine and get to actually talk to other students in our program outside of the classroom setting.  This semester about 23 of us went, including some of the recent graduates.  It was a wonderful evening catching up with them, and getting to know some of the new faces a bit better. 

lovely little artsy luminaries on the table...this one says "Wine is Poetry in Bottles"

I didn't get a good comprehensive group picture because I was sort of trapped in the middle along the wall...but you get the general idea...

and of course no evening is complete if you aren't hanging out with friends in front of beautiful city landmarks.

Fall seems to have really arrived now!  Today on the drive up to school the leaves have seriously changed...lots of yellow and orange...I'm working on getting pictures of various trees, but I no longer feel deprived of my proper autumn :)  Plus there are now discussions of Halloween and Thanksgiving in the mix...and I have a visit by two of my best friends next somehow things are about to get even busier, but lots to look forward to!

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