Sunday, March 4, 2012

A day of transition with no internet

I'm going to try to quickly post this before my phone dies.  I'm on free wireless in a in Austria...yuck...but they have free wifi and are open on Sundays, which is super hard to come by.

Mom, Lexi and Granny flew back home today, so I spent the morning unpacking and trying to get my room in order.  This afternoon I went for a run around the streets of my neighborhood which is filled with large beautiful homes that are all quite close together.  I then rode the strassenbahn down to the Ring to buy a new subway pass and look for wifi.  I wandered around a bit as the sun was setting...I'm guessing this late afternoon/early evening sky transitioning into a dark blue with the building lights coming on won't get old hopefully ever.

School starts tomorrow and hopefully internet at home!


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