Monday, March 12, 2012

First Day of Class

Today was the first actual day of classes, and I only had one today.  I'm taking a total of 4 "regular classes" this semester, and then 2 electives.  Electives at Modul are taught in 2 day blocks (9am to 6pm) generally over a weekend, with both pre and post class assignments.  These are over a wider variety of topics than our normal core classes, and I'm excited about the ones I've chosen for this semester, although the first one isn't for another month.  Since I'm not sure I've expressly said on here, I am attending Modul University, and getting my Masters of Science in Sustainable Development, Management and Policy.  Today's class was Economic Development Strategies, and thankfully the hundred plus pages I read in preparation for today's lecture now make much more sense. :)

It's a bit of a shift to get back into student mode, since it's been a while since I've actually been sitting in a classroom taking notes, but I think the break has been good for me, and I'm excited to learn this new subject and expand on things I've learned previous to this.    

I'm now off to finish the reading for tomorrow morning's policy class, just a few more pages to go!

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