Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Lots of Reading

I'm not totally sure where the past two days have gone!  I did make a good to-do list this week, and things are slowly getting checked off, so I'm apparently doing something...

Sunday I went to church, which was another great week of feeling super welcomed there.  After church 6 of us went wandering in search of somewhere to eat lunch...preferably outside...preferably in the sun (it was 70 degrees and sunny, and so beautiful out) after about an hour of walking through different neighborhoods, our standards were lowering slightly and we decided to forgo the sun and just take a table outside in the shade.  At that point we were plenty hungry, and the food (some sort of Middle Eastern/Asian fusion) was quite good.  We actually ended up in one of the busiest shopping areas of the city, but of course since it was Sunday nothing was open, which was probably ultimately good for my budget.  I do intend to go back there when I have some free time and stores are open just to see what all is over there.

I don't have class until Friday this week, so I'm trying to spread out the reading and other assignments I have over these 4 days this week, in hopes of really remembering the reading I'm doing.  Out of the 4 reading segments I need to complete, I'm on the last one, so hopefully this will sink in.  Today I also tried to get some errands done, and I did laundry (successfully for the 2nd time! I still have clothes!).  I bought some cleaning supplies on Saturday (another example of me staring at a wall of products not really sure what i'm buying), but hadn't actually cleaned yet, so this morning while my laundry was in downstairs I thought I'd clean the kitchen a bit.  Whatever I bought to clean with is STRONG.  My kitchen sparkles, but I nearly passed out from the fumes.  I think this bottle will go in the back of the cabinet and only brought out for deep cleaning days.  I went out this afternoon and got some of what appears to be a more eco-friendly, natural based cleaner...smells much better.

I'm back to the books for a bit before I call it a night.  I hope everyone is enjoying the first day of Spring!

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